Changes to the partner work visa coming in April 2023.

In the past, partners of primary visa holders were given an open work visa. In April, this privilege will be taken away according to Immigration New Zealand.

Why is this change happening?

“The number of partners of temporary migrant workers coming to New Zealand grew significantly in the years prior to COVID-19… While partners of temporary migrant workers work in a variety of roles across New Zealand, they tend to be concentrated in lower-paying sectors… [I]t is important that we ensure the integrity of the system by recruiting for genuine skill shortages for both the primary applicant and their partners.”

– Michael Wood, Minister of Immigration

What are some options to consider?

  1. Get the work visa before April 2023
  2. Or consider up-skilling
  3. Or plan on one breadwinner for the family for a while, perhaps until residency is received. Rules won’t be announced until February 2023 (according to the link above)

Disclaimer – Nothing in this message is intended to be immigration advice. If you require immigration advice, seek information from the website of Immigration New Zealand or from a licensed immigration agent.