Have you ever wondered how easy or difficult it will be for you to get hired?

Here are the 3 main inicators of hirability
1) Skill level
2) Qualifications
3) Role demand

Highly skilled candidates: New Zealand and Australia are particularly interested in workers who have demonstrated expertise in a specific field and can add significant value to employers. If you have a track record of excellence in your field, you are likely to be in high demand. However, if you haven’t had the opportunity to develop high-value skills, you may face the challenge of differentiating yourself from local jobseekers. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to emphasise what makes you different and how you can make a unique contribution to the NZ/AU job markets.

Relevant qualifications: Employees with relevant qualifications are highly sought after in both New Zealand and Australia. Generally, a full trade qualification or at least a Bachelor’s degree is required, sometimes higher depending on the role. If you have these qualifications, along with high-value skills, you are likely to be in high demand. However, if you do not have the specific qualifications required for a particular industry, your skills may still be able to compensate in some cases. For example, some industries may prioritise skills over formal qualifications. However, it’s important to note that certain professions, such as doctors and plumbers, typically require specific qualifications that cannot be overlooked.

Roles in high demand: Our job markets are particularly interested in candidates who can fill roles in skills shortage areas. It’s worth noting that being on an official skills shortage list is not a prerequisite for being considered for a high demand role. Sometimes in-demand roles aren’t widely advertised and it’s important to understand that demand arises when employers have a genuine need for a particular skill. It could be a highly specialised niche that is not widely known. For example: I assisted a drone designer / distributor / business owner find work with New Zealand’s largest drone company. There is no list anywhere that considers that candidate as a high demand role for New Zealand. But that employer understood he was the best guy in South Africa with population 60 million. He was ready to hire him instantly. So keep an eye out for job advertisements, but also explore hidden opportunities that your skills may attract.

In summary: We are looking for overseas candidates with high-value skills and relevant qualifications who can fill roles in high-demand sectors.

Basic strategy: By showcasing your expertise, highlighting what makes you different and targeting employers who need your specific skills, you will increase your chances of being a desirable candidate for employment in our part of the world.

For a free assessment of your skills, send your CV with a few comments about your status to me at tate@employmentforimmigration.nz I answer in about a day.