
Our success is endorsed by the heartfelt recommendations and stories of satisfied clients. Their positive feedback is a testament to the quality of our service and the profound impact it has had on their lives. We take pride in guiding jobseekers to new horizons, empowering them to overcome challenges and set them on a path to success.

Len Fourie ~ Senior Director, Tax & Finance

Len Fourie ~ Senior Director, Tax & Finance “I met with Tate regarding relocation advice. At our introduction, I could tell, Tate is very professional and helpful with my questions and requests. As agent he could identify my weaknesses as employment seeker and provided me with awesome corrective measures to...

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Mervin Naidoo ~ Production Manager

Mervin Naidoo ~ Production Manager “Hi Tate, thank you for your assistance in pointing me in the right direction and providing me with the tools to improve my chances of being employed in New Zealand. The services you offer are worth every $ spent.” 

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Jaco Rossouw ~ CEO, Financial Services Sector

Though that was a bit of work but really worthwhile! I can see that it’s a lot better already but having just watched the common mistakes clip again I think a little bit more work may be required. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you – money well spent. It’s...

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Michael King ~ Key Accounts Manager

“Hi Tate, Thank you so much for your time. You knowledge, experience and professionalism of and within the New Zealand environ is so valuable and a super resource to tap into. The insights you shared were easily understood and I have benefited from the sound advice and discussion during our...

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Thomas Van Dalen ~ IT Infrastructure Architect, CIO

“I won’t say anything to improve – I’ll give you 10 out of 10! It’s a simple program, if you follow it to the “T”, you put your effort in, then it’s just phenomenal. It really works. I mean, I took the whole package and I mean everything was just...

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Delia ~ CA – Masters Degree in Audit – Head of Audit

“Thank you, Tate, for all of your assistance! You know, I couldn’t have done it without you. And the value you’ve given me in terms of the guidance etc – you really made it a whole lot easier for me, so thank you very much!” [an excerpt from Delia’s video interview]

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Brian Venter ~ Master Butcher, Owner

“The way you approach it [professional profile]  is remarkable, because I’ve never came across anybody who does that… My [relatives and friends] back in South Africa asked me how did I get so quickly to New Zealand? I: listen, here’s Tate’s email, just email him. So I gave all your...

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Annette Human ~ Pharmacist

“I would like to thank you very much for your CV course. It was very informative and an eye opener. I have paid a CV writer to do a CV for me, and was not happy at all. I can clearly see now why one should write your own CV....

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Dean Smith ~ Facilities Manager for large holding

“It was quite a daunting journey, it was quite a long journey and leading up to the point when you and I met. It was frustration deluxe, I was almost at the part where I was wanting to through in the towel – I’m not going to make it to...

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Michelle ~ Executive in the Insurance Industry

“You give a lot of feedback: …one thing you did was you summarised in a feedback message to me, saying “Highlight these five things”. And I written them down and made sure that each one of my discussions, even if I forgot everything else, those 5 things whatever they were...

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Master Machinist who worked on a Space-X Satellite, Although Lacking Formal Qualifications, Was Hired In New Zealand

Meet Andre, a Master Machinist known for leading small teams of artisans on some of the most complex projects for his industry. Although he has no formal trade qualifications, Andre has managed projects for Airbus and Elon Musk’s Space-X satellites. He even trains and upskills fully qualified tradesmen on his team, but this doesn’t guarantee that New Zealand employers will want to hire him.

Even with Andre’s skills, New Zealand employers typically require formal qualifications, especially when hiring foreigners. There are many reasons for this bias within the hiring culture of New Zealand. Tate understands how to communicate to hiring managers in a way that allows them to feel comfortable with a hiring decision. After weeks of preparation with Tate, Andre was able to catch the attention of New Zealand employers and shortly after he was hired online.

To find out how to get an 80% direct response rate from hiring managers in New Zealand, just send your CV to Tate with a few sentences about your situation. He will respond within a day from tate@employmentforimmigration.nz

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Robert Stewart's Migration Story

Robert found a way to enter New Zealand without pressure or deadlines. He basically toured the country with his family for many months, looking for work whenever he found the time and inspiration. Due to his rich background and successful performance history, Robert will never have a problem getting employed in the IT space. This is his rather unique story of immigration.

Maximise your Job Finding Outcome Abroad with Expert Guidance

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I am always happy to hear from job seekers, employers and immigration agents.
